Saturday, May 23, 2015

Event: Robert Gero

Selfies outside CNSI Building 

Thursday evening, a few of my friends and I went to Robert Gero's event where he explained his idea about infinity structures. I would first like to comment on the CNSI building and how awesome it was to walk around. Since I am history major and spend most of my time on North Campus, it was a change of atmosphere to see the layout of South Campus. It did take awhile to find the art gallery room, but I am glad we got a little lost so we could explore a little. 

Robert Gero (left)
Dr. Gimzewski (right) 
But getting back to Robert Gero's event, it was interesting to see his creation of an infinity structure and his take on how he believes that these structures will help further expand mathematics and technology. When I first walked in to the art gallery and saw the structure, I thought it was a molecule. I had never seen anything like this before. The way in which it was laid out, made it feel as though I were apart of the structure. It felt like a maze. Luckily it was made of styrofoam because I tripped while dodging in and out of the structure. 

Me & the infinity structure.
Listening to Robert Gero speak about the "infinity" and how he has been researching ways to calculate paradoxical space was eye-opening. His philosophical question that he posed in front of us was how can he create a structure in which terminal dimensions continue to expand and uphold on themselves infinitely and not break down. Robert continues his research by looking at mathematical models, in which he hopes can help calculate the "infinite." His creation in constructing geometric polygons has helped him to realize that there is a world application to theoretical mathematical calculations of infinity. Robert firmly believes that there is something within these polygons that will  uncover an infinity that is malleable and can be used in our modern technology. 

Upon visiting Robert Gero and listening him talk about his geometric polygons, it tied into the field  of mathematics and how scientists rely heavily on this subject field to figure out ways to further expand their theories to uncover the impossible. From what we have learned thus far regarding mathematics, this event put into perspective how mathematics is needed in discovering new ways to further advance our logic of the unknown. 

Video of "Infinity Structure"

I had a phenomenal time listening to Robert Gero and praise him for his work. It is so fascinating to see how passionate and determined he is to discovering the structural dimensions of the infinity. 
Not knowing anything about this field really made my experience memorable and impacted the way in which I now see objects, how infinity is everywhere.

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